Two New Kits and Lots of Fun New Colors & Fibers
Sarah and I came up with these great new kits utilizing my handpainted fibers, her handcrafted sewn bags and using both April's and Kathy's spindles.
The first is called the "Traveler Spindle Kit" and it is now available in the ETSY shop and soon available elsewhere..... It has the cutest bag that Sarah made. They are reversible and washable and are the perfect size for packing your spinning stuff for a short trip or even a week away! The kit comes with the bag, one of the spindles and four ounces of handpainted fiber that matches the bag. I probably will be using blue faced leicester for these because it is such a great fiber for every level of spinner... We'll have the student spindles, and the stone whorl spindles and hopefully in the future some hand-turned wood spindles.

The second kit is called the "Traveling Spinning Kit" and it is similar, just without the spindle, for those who already have plenty of spindles or want to use their own. It includes Sarah's spindle bag and four ounces of handpainted fiber to match... See it here for sale.

I really enjoy working with other fiber artists. There are some really other fun new products coming out soon.....
I did lots of dyeing this past weekend. I bought some new fingering weight merino-tencel yarn which is just perfect for socks actually. I thought blogger would cooperate but no, I can only update just three photos it seems per post! I guess I will have to make a separate post for these...Some are going in the etsy shop and some are going to kpixie.
Here is one of my favorite new ones Amethyst Sparkles for you purple lovers...I wanted you mostly to see the shine of the merino/tencel. Sarah is going to knit up a pair of socks for another project so I am giving her a skein of this same yarn but in a different colorway......

Time for a nap...I have a huge headache today!