Saturday, March 11, 2006

It is Raining! It is Pouring!

Its raining here in Arizona!!!!!!

You don't understand what a big deal rain is unless you live here! This is the first time we have had any rain since last October (supposedly). I say supposedly because I don't remember rain last October and neither do most people in Arizona. I think it has been longer! The other nice thing about the rain (besides relieving us of our draught!) is that I don't feel guilty staying inside knitting, doing fiber stuff and watching movies!! Normally, every day here the weather is picture perfect, especially in the winter. So you kind of feel bad if you don't get out every day for some exercise or whatever........

I am so sore today from my massage yesterday I could scream. But I am hoping it is going to help me even though I can hardly stand or walk today. My plans are to take a nice hot long bath in Epsom salts and then to just relax and knit. I do have a party to go to tonight and I will have to tear myself away from my cozy house, my dog babies and fiber though for that.......

I have lots of projects cooking. First, see all the pieces of my little Teddy Bear sweater. We are going to put this together on Tuesday in the last day of my knitting class. This is great because I will learn the mattress seam and another seam. I do have another knitting class starting in two weeks which is great so I can put together my wrap sweater then! It will will will will be done by then!

The other thing I have to do this weekend (UGH) is tease all this wool apart for my spinning class. I have to honestly say I don't enjoy this at all. I had to first wash all this stuff and you wouldn't' believe all the crap that came out of it..Ugh. It took four washes and four or five rinses for it to look like this. I'll buy my roving and batts already cleaned from now on thanks..I am still not sure spinning is for me anyhow. I keep trying but so far I don't get that zen like feel that everyone describes, but I am not giving up yet.

Oh and I am set yarn wise for the next two sweaters (being the yarn ho I am). Kind of scary how my yarn stash grows and grows. Here is a photo of the next sweater also from the DROPs pattern book 88. I look forward to starting this. I am using the Garnstudio mohair which I already had but I found this wonderful green bamboo yarn to mix with it and I think that is really going to make this sweater. See a photo of the yarns below the sweater! The third sweater of 2006 is also from DROPS. I'll post a photo when the yarn arrives from ELANN. In the meantime, I am still trying to finish my first one and it is coming along!!

Happy Weekend!
Love, Lisa


At 5:47 PM, Blogger Knitcrazy said...

Oh... It is going to be absolutely BEAUTIFUL Lisa..
LOVE the sweater and LOVE your colors!!!


At 7:19 PM, Blogger rho said...

That will be a fantastic sweater - and congrats on the rain. . . I always said I that AZ should pay me to come out there every so often - it always rained when I was there - I haven't been there for two years ...

At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, the cleaning process is pretty gross. I found washing worked better when I had also teased the fleece before hand. You may have to have a strong constitution for that, since the fleece they give you at FF is fairly clean, and getting it elsewhere might not be so pleasant. ;)

At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, cleaning wool can be quite disgusting. But I like to how see the way the nice clean wool turns out. And I do hope you'll find your spinning zen soon! I absolutley love it, but it takes time. Don't give up just yet.


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