Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Fiber Tuesday

Today was quite the fiber activity today. First, I had intermediate knitting in the am at the Fiber Factory. We worked on learning two new stitches...one with two colors and then moss seed rib stitching. Next week we sew up our teddy bear sweaters. I signed up for a "finishing class" to take in April which will be great. I plan on trying to have two sweaters done by then for finishing!

Then Sarah came to meet me for lunch. This was fun!! Thanks for meeting me for lunch Sarah! Sarah and I met through a knitting email list and we email often so it was fun to meet her in person!! Someone snapped our photo and here it is:

Then in the afternoon, I had my first spinning class. We worked on spinning on the drop spindle and I had a hard time with it and left kind of discouraged. My neck hurt so much today and that just made it worse. I felt like crying the whole way home, but I am fine now. I think using the wheel will just be much better for me and I am about to go practice some wheel spinning in a minute.....

Tomorrow is yet another fiber day, as Kirsten and I are going to the new Tempe Yarn and Fiber store and to the fiber factory as well! Along with lunch out! I am looking forward to it. It is also very nice to meet such nice nice women through Stitch N Bitch which is where we all met!

In other news, I joined weight watchers online and so I probably will blog about it a bit as it is such a struggle to lose weight. I had lost 40 pounds and just recently gained back 20 and am not happy about it. I really would like to lose a total of 40 so here I go.. The plan really is a great plan, plenty to eat, I just notice eating out might be a bit difficult. And I have to work hard at incorporating exercise which is difficult for me due to chronic pain, but I just have to do it. This will help my spine too.. and my self-esteem!

Happy Mid Week! On to spinning some beautiful and soft blue faced leicester wool. OH, this week our homework is to take a dirty fleece and clean it and prepare it for spinning. It is soaking in my sink right now and its pretty gross I must admit! LOL.



At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you! You lost weight before so you know you can do it again! I just lost about 10 lbs on South Beach but am having a hard time now getting back to it after going off in Fla. I'm maintaining though. No fruit & bread products is very hard. Keep up the great knitting. Your yarns are luscious. Luv, Aunt Nan

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

:) Totally know about the losing weight and gaining it back again, I'm working on dropping pounds again myself. Sorry to hear your neck is hurting you - I have a tendancy to keep my arms up so I can look at my spindle without bending my neck downards too much. Luck with that fleece...that is one thing I don't think I have patience for!

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Prof. Knitwit said...

Good luck with ww! I actually lost about 20 lbs with them and worked as a leader for time. It's really a very flexible plan. Now, if only i could find a way to combine knitting and exercise, I'd be golden!!


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